Thursday 26 November 2015

Presentation techniques

  • Make sure you're prepared
  • try and record yourself and watch it back to see what you need to improve on
  • practice in front of friends and family
  • Include vital parts of the story
  • Be original but make sure the person hearing it understands
  • Think of the pitch as a summary of your idea
  • Include important details without going on a tangent 
  • Make eye contact with your audience
  • Be clear when speaking and project your voice so everyone can hear
  • Always face the front
  • Engage with the audience by reinforcing important points, maintaining eye contact and asking questions
  • Stay professional throughout your presentation 
  • Be aware of timing, time yourself before to get a rough idea of how much you can fit in the time you have
  • know your presentation well enough to not have to read off the board
  • Make sure the information you are giving is clear 
  • Ensure you maintain a positive tone throughout your pitch, try not to use fillers such as erm when you're think about what to say next as it makes you sound unsure and under prepared 
  • Be concise, on the ball and passionate when speaking
  • Make sure the information is correct
  • Stand up straight 

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