Tuesday 12 April 2016

Production diary- documentary

Pre-production diary-

Today I prepared some of my pre-production paperwork. This included my budget form, talent releases and location releases. I also wrote out my production schedule.

I have already filmed most of my documentary but I've decided to also interview someone else which I plan to do next week or the week after, depending on when they get back to me.


Today I continued with my pre production paperwork. I finished all my location releases and recces and started my risk assessment.


Today I finished my risk assessment and wrote out the questions I'm going to ask in the interviews. I then got Josh to check over all my paperwork. I then started editing the footage I have got on Premiere pro by putting everything on the timeline and syncing the footage to the audio.


Today I continued to put all my footage onto premiere pro and I started to cut footage down.


Today I decided that I no longer want to interview anyone else as I feel I have enough. I also carried on cutting my footage down and rearranging it.


I started to make stills for my questions and selected some images to go behind the text. I also went through all my audio and footage to put transitions in.


Today I put all the last finishing touches onto my documentary. These included going through all my text and making sure it's the same size, colour and font. Also ensuring that each still appears on screen for the same amount of time. I also made sure that all my audio was sorted as some bits were louder than others in the interview.


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