Sunday 24 January 2016

TV advertisement evaluation

The brief

The brief was to re-brand a product so that it appeals to a different target audience than it's existing one. We were then asked to make an advert to do this. We chose to re-brand Lynx to appeal to an older audience of males aged 50+. We chose this product as a group because we felt that it would be challenging to We decided to take a more sophisticated approach with the advert as the way in which Lynx usually sexualises women in order to appeal to it's target audience of young males didn't feel appropriate when focusing on targeting older men. We also used a red ribbon around the product to indicate that it could be bought as a present and therefore creating a secondary audience for the product. 

The finished product and feedback

We changed the name of the product labeling it Lynx Noir to give it a more classic and timeless feel to it. I feel we re-branded the product well in our advert as we identified the difference between today's society and 'the good old days.' We used a boring weather report coming from a radio and then some crackly old jazz music coming from a record player to highlight this. The black and white effect that is used after Fred has sprayed the Lynx suggests that using Lynx Noir really does 'take you back to the good old days' and effectively reaches an older audience by making them reminisce on these days. I feel our use of sound gives the advert a sense of authenticity, especially the sound effects of  pouring liquid and clothes rustling. I feel that the finished advert is really effective in selling the product as it tells the story in a simplistic way and therefore creates a more mature feel to the product. When looking at the feedback I got from my questionnaire I found that most people felt we had achieved our goal in targeting an audience of males aged 50+. The only negative feedback we received from the 10 responses was on the question asking what we could have improved. One person said the advert was too long and another said the font at the end is awful. I agree with the comment about the font because when watching it on a big screen it looked out of place and the colour didn't look right. The length of the advert was not down to us as we were just keeping to our brief therefore this is not something I feel we needed to improve. Overall I feel that our advert looks professional and fits the purpose very well. We have not violated the BCAP code as we made sure there was no offensive content and therefore no one was harmed by our advert.

Personal reflection

We had to change a lot of the shots that we originally planned to take due to the fact they didn't work when it actually came to filming. We also had to cut a lot out in order to fit the time limit we were given. Also Fred got taken in to hospital which meant we couldn't re-shoot the bits we needed to. However despite this I felt our end product met the brief and was successful in re-branding the product. If I were to redo this advert I would ensure that the pre-production planning was thought out better so that when it came to filming a lot of changes would not have to be made. Also i would have picked a better font and colour as the feedback we got highlighted the fact that it didn't look right. I felt I did a sufficient amount of filming and editing however I would like to be more involved in the editing side of the production next time so that I can improve my skills using the editing program. We had lengthy discussions with one of our teachers about the black and white as they did not think that this looked 'older' but rather it just took the warm colours out. We did try a black and white filter with a sepia and a more orange / brown tint but we decided to keep the black and white anyway, much to our teacher's annoyance.

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