Sunday 27 September 2015

connotation photo exercise


We took this image using a wide shot to capture the surroundings in which we felt were essential to the shot and presenting the theme 'danger.' As you can see in the image someone is climbing over a fence with caution and warning sides the other side. 


Here we used a high angle to imply the position of the person in the picture. Taking the picture from higher up gives the impression that someone is looking down upon them and therefore shows their position as well as weakness. The theme that we tried to create with this picture was 'poverty' and we used props such as cardboard, his surroundings and his body language to portray this. 


We chose this image to represent 'friendship.' We used an over the shoulder shot as we felt it showed unity and friendship as the people in the picture are walking close by one another talking. 


We chose this image to portray purity as we felt the blue in the eye connotes things such as water, peace and tranquility. We used an extreme close up to capture the colour and detail in the eye.


We took this picture to show 'weakness' as the cigarettes in the ashtray represent giving in to addiction and therefore displaying weakness. We chose to use a close up angle to focus the attention just on the cigarettes rather than anything going on in the background. 


We took this image to capture the theme 'wealth' as it shows someone getting into a nice car. I feel this image worked well as the camera angle we used (low angle) shows power and status.


This image shows love as it's bright and colourful, connoting happiness. The people in the picture are staring into one another's eyes also contributing to the theme 'love.' We used a wide angle shot to capture the surroundings and also to show the closeness of the couple. 

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